Patient Portal Information

                        Patient Portal Link

                   Patient Portal Instructions

To log into your child’s Patient Portal, you will need to set up a password from a link sent your email from our office Conejo Children’s Medical Group. You child’s username never changes. It is your child’s first name, last name and four-digit year of birth.  The first initial of the first name and the first initial of the last name are capitalized, followed by lowercase letters and no spaces.


 I.e., FirstnameLastname0000


You can access the portal login link directly


If you cannot locate the email with the link sent from our office, please call and we can resend it.


To locate your child’s medical records and/or immunization record:


 1) Once you login into your child’s portal, click on the medical record tab on the left side of the page.


2) There will be a drop down for Immunization history. You can print from that screen.


3) You cannot print from the screen in the “Healow” app, it is view only.

            Online statement payment option

Good can now pay your balance online through our patient portal.  Please call the office if you need to be set up on the portal or need your login credentials reset.

Dr. Dog says "We LOVE our patient families!"

Office Hours

By Appointment Only


Monday - Friday

9:00 am - 5:00 pm



9:00 am - 12:00 pm

Conejo Children's Medical Group

558 N. Ventu Park Rd.

Suite D

Thousand Oaks, CA 91320


Phone  (805) 499-5525

Fax       (805) 499-5554



Patient Portal:



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