Phone Policies

Office Staff

Our office staff is fully qualified to give appropriate advice for your child. They are skilled and trained in differentiating between problems that need appointments and those that can be safely managed at home. Should there be any uncertainty by the staff about your concern, the physician will be consulted, or an appointment will be offered.


If your child has a well child appointment scheduled in the near future, make a list of concerns and present them to the doctor at the time of your visit. Any concerns that can't wait and must addressed immediately may be handled through the phone staff.

After Hours Calls

Calls outside of regular office hours should be reserved for serious or emergency situations.  After hours calls should be made to our regular number and will be forwarded to our answering service who will determine your child's medical needs.  The answering service can take messages, page the physician, or forward calls to the advice nurse, who can triage and advise parents.


One of our doctors is available on call every weeknight, on weekends and holidays and may be reached via our answering services.  We do share call with other selected pediatricians.

Emergency Room

In the event of an extreme emergency (seizures, not breathing or very labored breathing or blue color, profuse bleeding, unconsciousness, choking) call 911 or take your child immediately to the Los Robles Hospital Emergency Room. Whenever possible, please phone us first before going to the hospital emergency room.


 Los Robles Hospital

 215 West Janss Road

 Thousand Oaks, CA

 Emer. Rm. #: (805) 370-4435


When your child's illness or injury does not require the service of an emergency room, but you wish to have your child seen by a doctor, you may wish to consider After-Hours Pediatrics Urgent Care Center. They are a full service acute care center and provide pediatric medical care for children from ages 0-18. They are open Monday through Friday, 6:00 pm - 11:00 pm and Saturday-Sunday, Noon to 8:00 pm (open most holidays). They also dispense medications directly from their office. Visit


 After Hours Pediatrics Urgent Care

 2125 E. Thousand Oaks Blvd.

 Suite B-2

 Thousand Oaks, CA

 Phone: (805) 374-7874

Dr. Dog says "We LOVE our patient families!"

Office Hours

By Appointment Only


Monday - Friday

9:00 am - 5:00 pm



9:00 am - 12:00 pm

Conejo Children's Medical Group

558 N. Ventu Park Rd.

Suite D

Thousand Oaks, CA 91320


Phone  (805) 499-5525

Fax       (805) 499-5554



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